Teenager’s aspirations and passions will be at the centre of discussions and events during a weekend which gives teenagers the opportunity to engage with art in a fun-filled programme.
The weekend – entitled #malteen – will run from the 12th to the 14th December and Valletta 2018 has partnered up with St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ and Kumitat Festi Ċelebrazjonijiet Nazzjoni, in organising events. Teenagers aged between 13 and 17 who form part of various local youth groups and organisations are able to participate.
For three days, St James Cavalier in Valletta will be jam packed with young people who will follow a carefully designed arts programme which puts their creative aspirations first. From music concerts to dance installations, from theatre productions and scriptwriting workshops to human board games and abseiling, the programme celebrates teenagers’ creativity and their urge for self expression.
A group of teenagers will also be camping outside the Centre for Creativity during this weekend. A number of these teenagers will plan a three-minute film, act it out and film it, with the help of a group of filming professionals. This film will be premiered at the closing party event for all #malteen attendees.