Book in the Sea was a project led by the Valletta Design Cluster and created by Japanese designers Atelier OMOYA + Space Production Lab, together with Maltese poet and book artist Glen Calleja. The work explored the relationship between Malta’s coastal landscape and literature, through an installation which “writes” on the water surface.

The collaboration brought together cutting-edge technological tools with principles borrowed from the composition of literary works. The result was a poetic reflection on the ephemerality of all things in a harbour which has been a key-point in the history of the Maltese Islands and the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Effett t’effett was a follow-up project led by ACT in collaboration with the Valletta Design Cluster and Glen Calleja to raise consciousness on consumerism, over-consumption and waste generation. Effett t’effett took place following Kawża Effett, an extensive clean-up event organized by ACT targeting Maltese coastal areas and the hinterland. Kawża Effett engaged with different communities and was followed by the Think Tank open debate, where individuals coming from different communities discussed practical solutions for waste management in Malta. The cleanup and open debate were held on the 23rd and 24th June 2018.

The waste collected from the Kawża Effett clean-up was reutilised as a creative resource in Effett t’effett, where creative practitioners will collaborate to further explore the issues of consumerism,over-consumption and waste generation. Artists will model the intrinsic worthlessness of disposed resources into sculptures, in an attempt to alter the general perception on waste and consumption. Tapping on collaborative effort, this project hoped to engage a wide audience through creative expression, making a statement to inspire a brighter future and increase consciousness towards environmental issues.

BAĦĦ BLU / BLUE VOID took place from 9th to 15th August 2018 at the Lower Barrakka Gardens in Valletta.

The creation of BAĦĦ BLU / BLUE VOID involved a diverse and experienced team of engineers, technologists and artists from very diverse backgrounds. This approach mirrors the way the Valletta Design Cluster works with its partners, bringing together people in a co-creative and collaborative environment. The Valletta Design Cluster provides cultural and creative practitioners with dedicated shared spaces and opportunities for working, learning and collaborating, and promotes user-centered design as a driving force for economic and social well-being in Malta.

Supported by:

aquamarine Fukushima
TOKYO GEIDAI Crowdfunding (204 people)
chiho.m、幼なじみその1、竹澤葵、KAZUYUKI HASHIMOTO、合同会社MAAI、武井祥平(nomena)
堀内史子、大石博昭、柴山乃吏子、株式会社 白、Shinya Moriyama、栗山貴嗣、Kosei Komatsu Studio、コマッタ、小佐原孝幸、斉藤忍、郡田政之、MINGLE DESIGN OFFICE、工藤安代、菱川勢一
藤崎圭一郎、Mari Numakura、野村隆次郎、H.Y. Nakashima、EU・ジャパンフェスト日本委員会、sagiii、小池由起、折原美紀、見学洋介・翔一・美波、品川正之、赤川雅俊、千葉紘香、八谷和彦、渡邊義明、ヤマザキノブヨシ、鏑木陽子、石多未知行、押元一敏、関本明子、小野哲也、川鍋徹、篠田有里、uru
Tu & Takeshi Iwashita、望月祐哉、田島沙也加、和田拓朗、鈴木喬裕、株式会社AKiTE 佐藤わたる、吉井晶子、安住仁史、生永麻衣、中西宣人、小楠竜也、森泰子、Mari Numakura、佐藤宏樹、金子千惠、井垣理史(名古屋学芸大学)、金田充弘、miki、ソンヨンア、山岸敏子、鈴木莉紗、EXCELTAM cusTAMlab ORIGINAL CASE FACTORY、中田みのり、岡谷照・久美子、中谷奈緒子、平林真実、池川健太、金箱淳一、泉美菜子、小泉直也、金丸悠児、高本夏実、山田勇魚、大澤真積、金子遥洵、大城喜彬、塩澤奈美、石田和人、道上泰葉、日本デザインセンター社員、堀内陽子、カネゴン、takeshi amagai、いいだかずお、大村菜穂子、佐久間あすか、赤沼夏希、上田美緒、小島一郎、阿部芳久、鈴木隆志、井上幸恵、富士花鳥園、石渡愛子、大村守一、Oggoroggo Products、伊野浩太、青沼優介、Yuichiro Maki、寺田健太朗、Kaoru Kumagai、伊奈章之、佐々木里史、新堀孝明、オオツカアキヒコ、川村そら、Yasuaki Kakehi、楠見春美、中島あゆみ、後藤映則、川瀬伊人、井上裕史、Tomoko Ichimura、深尾宙彦、本巣芽美、藤原えりみ、真壁友、みなとメディアミュージアム、浜地孝史、浅野耕平、三上由佳、滝睦美、藤原信幸、アダチヒロミ、たら よしふみ、久保あずさ、佐藤友美、吉田成朗、mollydomon、望月祐哉、矢島綾子、sugiyama yuzuru、HIRATO Atelier、佐藤駿行、青柳祐樹、高須賀昌志、上野憲一郎、塩川岳、Sunao Hiruta、金丸遥、鈴木哲生、門田奈々、三好大輔、吉田佳寿美、深田亜由美 Hoku’ula、清水千春、近藤愛子、他

Special Thanks:
