Wirja ta’ arti pubblika marbuta mal-konsum u t-tniġġis tal-ekoloġija kostali, li tindirizza ċ-ċikli ta’ madwar il-ħajja tal-iskart.

X’inhi l-arkitettura tal-iskart Malti?

Kemm għandu żmien l-iskart Malti?

Fejn joqgħod l-iskart Malti?

X’qieghed joħlom?


A public art installation relating to the consumption and contamination of the coastal ecosystems and marine environment, revolving around waste life cycle.

What is the architectural form of Maltese waste?

How old is Maltese waste?

What is the habitat of Maltese waste?

What does it dream of?

Effett t’effett

Effett t’effett is a follow-up project led by ACT in collaboration with the Valletta Design Cluster and Glen Calleja to raise consciousness on consumerism, over-consumption and waste generation. Effett t’effett is part of the wider Valletta 2018 Baħħ Blu/ Blue Void project and will take place following Kawża Effett, an extensive clean-up event organized by ACT targeting Maltese coastal areas and the hinterland. Kawża Effett engaged with different communities and was followed by the Think Tank open debate, where individuals coming from different communities discussed practical solutions for waste management in Malta. The cleanup and open debate were held on the 23rd and 24th June 2018.

The waste collected from the Kawża Effett clean-up may be reutilised as a creative resource in Effett t’effett, where creative practitioners will collaborate to further explore the issues of consumerism,over-consumption and waste generation. Artists will model the intrinsic worthlessness of disposed resources into sculptures, in an attempt to alter the general perception on waste and consumption. Tapping on collaborative effort, this project is hoping to engage a wide audience through creative expression, making a statement to inspire a brighter future and increase consciousness towards environmental issues.


The Call

ACT and the Valletta Design Cluster invite individuals and groups of creatives to submit their proposals to create a mobile installation which will be exhibited at the Lower Barrakka Gardens in the month of August. A maximum of 4 artworks will be exhibited. Proposals must adhere to the following requirements:

  • Mobility
  • Each installation may have a footprint of not more than 2x2m
  • Use of non-hazardous external (not provided) materials is compulsory

Any request for further information, as well as requests to screen the collected waste which will be used to create the sculptures may be sent to ACT on [email protected] .

Proposals shall include concept sketches/images, a project description (max 100 words), the candidate’s CV/artist’s bio and a representative portfolio, and have to be sent to [email protected] by no later than 20th July 2018.

Notification of results: 25th July 2018

Production phase: 26th July – 8th August 2018 (details to be confirmed with selected participants)


The Organisers


ACT is an independent non-profit research-oriented organization. It strives to devise and apply practical and sustainable solutions to societal problems and create learning opportunities.  ACT engages with public and private communities to collaborate for the effective and humane application of science and arts to restore, protect and enhance public and ecosystem well-being.


Valletta Design Cluster

The Valletta Design Cluster is a community space for cultural and creative practice. It supports and promotes user-centred design as a catalyst for innovation, and as a multi-disciplinary approach that can create positive impacts for communities and individuals. The Valletta Design Cluster is an initiative led by the Valletta 2018 Foundation aimed at providing space and opportunities to Malta’s burgeoning creative industries. It is a project steeped in the rich history of Valletta, providing a bridge between 450 years of urban activity and Valletta’s future.