Produced by Gilbert Calleja u Matthew Attard following a call for proposals for the Poetry on Film project, L.O.M.L. is based on Raymond Mahoney’s poem Tibqa’ Int, found below. The film was made in collaboration with Mimi Cauchi.
The poem revolves around love and desire which transpires in the poetry film itself. The film tackles several questions: what interactions are we having with those we desire? How did the internet and virtual technologies alter our ways of achieving virtual comfort? How does desire manifest itself in a world awash with sexual imagery?
By raising these questions among others, L.O.M.L. seeks to question the usual clichés pertaining to love and obsession by juxtaposing Mahoney’s poetic romanticism alongside the cynicism of our times.
L.O.M.L. will be screened for the first time during the Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival on Saturday 27th August. The Festival starts at 20:00. Entrance is free.
Poetry on Film is a project of Valletta 2018 Foundation and Inizjamed.
TIBQA’ INT – Ray Mahoney
Sa ma x-xenqa fi ħżiemi tinħall,
sa ma l-kilba ġo qalbi tistrieħ,
sa ma jeħmed ta’ moħħi t-thewdin,
sa ma jibred ta’ ġismi t-tqanqil,
sa m’nn għajnejja jiċċarrat l-istar,
sa minn fommi jnin it-tregħid,
sa ma f’ruħi jiġġwejdu n-nirien,
sa ma sidri jistrieħ mill-uġigħ,
tibqa’ int li nixtieqek kull għodwa,
tibqa’ int li noħolmok kull lejl,
tibqa’ int l-alla tiegħi b’għanjietek
tagħti l-ħajja, toqtolni qajl qajl!