Visit Triton Square in Valletta to view a large-scale Nativity scene during this festive season. This Nativity scene is set in typical Maltese vernacular architecture and decorated with traditional and folkloristic tools and decorations that were used in Malta during olden times. The scene includes a traditional Maltese fishing boat, the Luzzu, that is still used by fishermen in the present day. A corbelled hut – a Girna, used to serve as a farmer’s early dwelling, can be seen to the left.

It comprises 17 figures dressed in Maltese traditional costumes. Whilst some of these characters are found in all Nativity scenes worldwide, some of them like the sleeper – ir-rieqed, the man of wonder – l-għaġeb and the climber – ix-xabbatur are particularly attributed to the Maltese crib.

This Nativity scene has been designed and executed by Maltese artist Manwel Grech in 2016, and has been exhibited in Saint Peter’s Square at the Vatican during the Christmas period of the same year. His Holiness Pope Francis, personally visited and prayed in front of this Nativity scene on the 31st December 2016. This crib was also exhibited in Manger Square, Betlehem, in 2017.