
Darba Waħda in Siġġiewi

Guest blogger Geraldine Sammut attends one of the Darba Waħda… sessions. Read on to find out more about this interesting project. Enthusiastic shouts bounced off of the rustic walls of the Siġ...

The International Spring Orchestra Festival

The tenth edition of the International Spring Orchestra Festival is running from the 1st-9th April at various venues around Valletta. Below is the programme of events, together with booking informatio...

Modern Music Days – Toi Toi

Teatru Manoel’s Toi Toi education programme in collaboration with The Malta Association for Contemporary Music shall be organising a special music event aimed at school parties of Form 1 pupils. Pro...

Il-Pinnuri (The Windvanes)

The Rubberbodies Collective , Valletta 2018 and Spazju Kreattiv proudly present Il-Pinnuri, which will be exhibited at Spazju Kreattiv from 8th April to 1st May. Il-Pinnuri, a part of The Wind-Rose Pr...

Rock the South 2016

We are endorsing the year’s edition of Rock The South Malta which is celebrating its 5th anniversary. The three-day festival is jam packed with live music with over 30 bands and artists perf...

Monitoring panel highlights progress of Valletta 2018

The Valletta 2018 Foundation published a report issued by the European Commission’s Monitoring and Advisory Panel showing progress of implementation of the Valletta 2018 European Capital of Culture ...

Għanafest 2016 – Malta World Music Festival

The sound of French troubadour music, eclectic Estonian music and atmospheric Tuareg arrangements will be part of Għanafest’s programme for this year at Argotti Gardens, under the new artistic dire...


Folk music has been a key player in the revival and strengthening of many musical styles and genres such as Brahms’ Hungarian Dances and John Barleycorn’s Traffic, to mention but a few. Recently, ...