
The Valletta 2018 Foundation inaugurates its new offices

The Valletta 2018 Foundation has recently moved in its new offices in Valletta just before Valletta assumes its role as the European Capital of Culture 2018. The Foundation re-located to its new hea...

Fifth edition of the Summer Carnival launched

The Valletta 2018 Foundation is excited to announce the fifth edition of the Summer Carnival, which will be held between the 25th and 27th of August; with the first two days in St Paul’s Bay and the...

Darba Waħda…

Elderly people have a wealth of information and experience that makes them valuable members of our communities. Children, on the other hand, in their simplicity and youthfulness, are inspirational. Da...

Aaron Bezzina Awarded the Blitz-Snehta Residency in Athens

Residency period: October 2017 Blitz and Valletta 2018 are pleased to announce Aaron Bezzina as the recipient of the inaugural Blitz-Snehta Residency. The Blitz Residency Programme has to date been an...

Każin Barokk – Performative Machines: Call for Participation

Is identity a game? A gamble? Let’s play. Każin Barokk is a Valletta 2018 project that plays with saints and sinners, the Baroque and the contemporary, fast-food franchises and the colours of the f...

From Verse to Screen this August

Held in collaboration with Inizjamed, Poetry on Film merges moving image with Malta’s rich literature through the adaptation of Maltese poems into short films. This project aims to develop the poetr...

Palk Ħieles/Open Mic #16

On Wednesday, 23rd August, Inizjamed will be organising the sixteenth Open Mic at Maori, just a stone’s throw away from Fort St Elmo, the location of The Mediterranean Literature Festival itsel...

Rima Film Grant winner announced

Following a call for proposals for international film amateurs to produce a film based on their personal experience of migration, Rima received five applications, all of which had a different way�...