
Culture Matters Registration


Malta Doom Metal Festival

Since then MDM has established a stable cult following that attracts a large number of foreign attendees and has been voted among the Top 10 international heavy metal festivals of the year. To commemo...

Panel for Special Programmes

Time’s Up, together with the 2017 Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union with the support of Arts Council Malta and the Valletta 2018 Foundation, is inviting interested participants...

Exploring a Post-Citizen Future

Time’s Up, together with the 2017 Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union with the support of Arts Council Malta and the Valletta 2018 Foundation, is inviting interested participants...


They explore minimalistic works by international contemporary composers, such as John Cage, Philip Glass and Benjamin Van Esser, amongst others. During the performance, Sultana’s piano sound is fed ...

Mods Collective: Meet Cecil Satariano

This edition of MODS COLLECTIVE investigates the work of Malta’s cinema pioneer, Cecil Satariano, an award-winning filmmaker of great artistic value whose work is still largely unrecognised in Malta...

A Musical Journey through the Mediterranean

The project outlines the influence and progression of musical instruments while giving the public the opportunity to enjoy and examine antique instruments from different periods of our history. The pr...

Gilgamesh 5000

The project focuses on the recurrence of cultural tropes in proto-Semitic and Indo-European culture, art and literature – especially the trope of the flood, that brings about the collapse of a given...