
The Valletta Green Festival 2015

Springtime is with us. Evidence of this is everywhere: the countryside dressed in different hues on account of all the beautiful flowers blooming, the days getting longer and the temperature getting w...

The Three Sunsets

Boasting an original story, accompanied by stunning scenes and costumes, this musical will be showing at the Teatru Manoel for the general public on 9th May at 5.30pm and 10th May at 10:30am. School s...

The Culture of Ageing – Focusing on an elderly population

The ‘Culture of Ageing’ exhibition is a joint project by Valletta 2018 and Leeuwarden 18 which will be on display at St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity from the 31st August to the 30th Septem...

Strait Street: A brand name of art, culture and entertainment

The Valletta 2018 Foundation announced the appointment of Dr Giuseppe Schembri Bonaci, a Valletta-born arts academic, to oversee Strait Street’s long-term sustainability while it is being transforme...

Night of Literature

Pilsen 2015 is organising ‘The Night of Literature’, an event which celebrates European-literature through a series of public readings. Celebrities and famous personalities read samples from selec...

The Pride – MADC

Written by Alexi Kaye Campbell, this award-winning British drama contrasts two parallel love stories. The Pride is a play about compassion, courage and the fear of loneliness while on the on the road ...

Maltese living abroad urged to participate in Valletta 2018 projects

Valletta 2018 Chairman Jason Micallef has urged Maltese living abroad to actively participate in projects being organised by the Valletta 2018 Foundation in preparation for the European Capital of Cul...

(Re)discover Mons

Rediscover Mons’ library if you’ve been to many, or discover them for the first time with the playful treasure hunt Mons 2015 are organising. From the 25th April to 27th May, visit the different...