
L-Ikla t-Tajba – taħlita ta’ ikel u divertiment waqt Notte Bianca

It-tieni edizzjoni tal-Ikla t-Tajba, imtella mill-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018, se toffri lill-pubbliku togħma oriġinali ta’ street food ispirat minn ikel tradizzjonali Malti waqt Notte Bianca, għat...

European Day of Languages

The Valletta 2018 Foundation is proudly endorsing Għaqda tal-Malti – Università, which will once again be organizing the European Day of Languages celebration. The festivities will take place on t...

Choose whether to please, provoke, inflate egos, or engage communities…

Guest blogger Charmaine Zammit is back with more thoughts (and questions) from the VIVA Curatorial School… From the second day onwards at the VIVA Curatorial School, I’ve been preoccupied with...

Tone it Down! Art as Power

Guest blogger Charmaine Zammit muses on her first day of last week’s Curatorial School. Find out what she took from it…  On entering the University of Malta Valletta Campus, to attend th...

‘Minn Fomm il-Bormliżi’: Ċelebrazzjoni tal-Komunità Bormliża

Il-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018, flimkien mal-Forum Komunità Bormliża, ċċcelebrat l-proġett ‘Minn Fomm il-Bormliżi’ – inizjativa interġenerazzjonali li ffukat fuq il-komunità Bormliża, f�...

Ugly Beauty: Sandro Zerafa Plays the Music of Thelonious Monk

The Valletta 2018 Foundation is collaborating with the Strada Strette Concept on a free outdoor music event featuring local musical talent Sandro Zerafa. Zerafa will be performing some of the finest w...

Director’s Cut: Interviewing VIVA Artistic Director Raphael Vella

Following VIVA’s successful opening at St James Cavalier in Valletta on Monday, guest blogger Trevor Borg caught up with VIVA director Dr Raphael Vella to learn more about the contemporary art showc...

A Night with the Stars

The Valletta 2018 Foundation is collaborating with the Strada Stretta Concept on ‘A Night with the Stars’, a concert that will be held at Strait Street, corner with Old Theatre Street on the 18th ...