
Open Mic/Palk Ħieles – Valletta Green Festival Special

Cities can be green too On Friday 28th April, the public is invited for an open mic session.  This edition will be part of the Valletta Green Festival and hence the theme will be the environment. On ...

Land and Sea Bed Clean Up at l-Aħrax

Our oceans are full of waste and plastic and by 2020 it is frightening to think that there might be more plastic in the sea than fish. The Valletta Green Festival in collaboration with a number of en...

Tafxnaf – Write Your Story

Tafxnaf invites all students in Malta and Gozo who are in Form 2, or its equivalent, to share and publish their thoughts and dreams in story form.  We have received a great amount of stories from chi...

at first …

  Leanne Ellul shares with a us a few thoughts about the chosen films for the project Poetry on Film 2017.   Coffee. Everything starts with coffee. And poems, papers, films, discussions, pr...

Mozart’s Don Giovanni

Directed by Jack Furness, with the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Philip Walsh, this new and daring production of the iconic masterpiece is the second of three operas by Wolfgang Amadeus Mo...

Hafiz Dhaou & Aïcha M’Barek

Based in Lyon, France, the founders of the Chatha Dance Company are leaving an indelible mark on the international choreographic scene with pieces that speak of politics, poetry and the Arab Spring ag...

Underground Cisterns to Open for the Valletta Green Festival

Underground cisterns located underneath the Archbishop’s Palace will be open during the Valletta Green Festival which will be running from the 25th April till the 30th April, Valletta 2018 Chairman ...

Star of Strait Street

The beautiful singer Christina Ratcliffe arrives in Malta to entertain the troops in “The Gut” at The Morning Star. Then she meets the dashing RAF air-ace, Flying Officer Adrian Warburton – and ...