
Fort St. Elmo Opening

Fort St Elmo will be opening its doors to the public on the 10th May from 10an to 6pm. Fort St Elmo houses the new National War Museum which archives Malta’s military history from prehistoric times ...

Romantic Extravaganza

Under the baton of Eric Hull, the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra will perform Symphony in D Minor by Cesar Franck as well as a Romantic piece by Paolino Vassallo, giving the Romantic theme a Maltese tou...

Strada Stretta: marka tal-arti, kultura u divertiment

Triq id-Dejqa malajr qed issir ruħha bħala l-qalba tal-ħajja soċjali u attività kreattiva fil-Belt, anke waqt li hemm xogħlijiet ta’ restawr u riġenerazzjoni għaddejjin. Magħrufa ukoll bħ...

Imniedi Malta Showcase Portfolio 2015

Artisti lokali minn setturi differenti tax-xena artistika Maltija qed jerġgħu jingħataw l-opportunità biex jesportaw ix-xogħol u t-talent tagħhom għall-udjenza internazzjonali grazzi għal Malt...

Il-‘Valletta Design Cluster’ ġewwa l-Biċċerija

Il-Valletta Design Cluster tnieda b’mod uffiċjali f’Ġunju 2015 bħala wieħed mill-proġetti ewlenin tal-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018. Dan irrappreżenta l-identifikazzjoni formali tal-bini tal-Bi�...

The Valletta Green Festival 2015

Springtime is with us. Evidence of this is everywhere: the countryside dressed in different hues on account of all the beautiful flowers blooming, the days getting longer and the temperature getting w...

The Three Sunsets

Boasting an original story, accompanied by stunning scenes and costumes, this musical will be showing at the Teatru Manoel for the general public on 9th May at 5.30pm and 10th May at 10:30am. School s...

The Culture of Ageing – Focusing on an elderly population

The ‘Culture of Ageing’ exhibition is a joint project by Valletta 2018 and Leeuwarden 18 which will be on display at St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity from the 31st August to the 30th Septem...