
Strada Stretta: Il-marka tal-arti, il-kultura u d-divertiment

Il-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018 ħabbret il-ħatra ta’ Dr Giuseppe Schembri Bonaci, akkademiku tal-arti mwieled il-Belt Valletta, sabiex iħares is-sostenibbiltà ta’ Strada Stretta għal żmien twil...

Night of Literature

Pilsen 2015 is organising ‘The Night of Literature’, an event which celebrates European-literature through a series of public readings. Celebrities and famous personalities read samples from selec...

The Pride – MADC

Written by Alexi Kaye Campbell, this award-winning British drama contrasts two parallel love stories. The Pride is a play about compassion, courage and the fear of loneliness while on the on the road ...

(Re)discover Mons

Rediscover Mons’ library if you’ve been to many, or discover them for the first time with the playful treasure hunt Mons 2015 are organising. From the 25th April to 27th May, visit the different...

Experimental Negori

Time to get your cocktail shakers out! Mons 2015 is organising a workshop about negroni and other cocktails for “appertivo alla Milanese” in which participants can experiment, mix, taste and, of c...

Public Lecture: The Premier and Strada Stretta

This Friday 24th April, the History of Art Department is organising a public talk titled “The Premier and Strada Stretta: Maltese modern art and the Benjamin-Baudelairean idea of urban conscious...

Different Spaces – Different Songs

Students from the Gozo Secondary School and St Albert the Great College Valletta observe their surroundings to discuss the concept of architecture as part of the KantaKantun project. Following their a...

The Malta International Music Festival and Competition 2015

The Malta International Music Festival and Competition is back with its third edition this 27th April 2015. This edition is jam-packed with master-classes conducted by internationally acclaimed profes...