
L-Imħabba Tiegħu…Biddlitni

L-Imħabba Tiegħu…Biddlitni (His Love…It changed me) is a play based on Mary Magdalene’s life. It explores how she changed her ways because of Jesus’ love and not because of the law. Writ...

Easter Festivities in Gozo

Easter time is with us – a time for prayer and celebration amongst Christians worldwide. The Schola Cantorum Jubilate will be participating in numerous Easter services around Gozo this Easter season...

LGBT Film Festival

The 2015 edition of the LGBT Film Festival is being organised in collaboration with St James Cavalier, MGRM and The British Council. Six films will be screened throughout the month of April at the St ...


St James Cavalier is hosting I Know I Don’t, an exhibition by Giola Cassar that explores personal identity and characteristics that make a person unique and identifiable to others. The exhibit, whic...

Having Said Goodnight

This World Book Day, Thursday 23rd April, Waterstones will be launching ‘Having Said Goodnight’, the English translation of Pierre J. Mejlak’s ‘Dak li l-Lejl Iħallik Tgħid’. ‘Dak li l-Le...

MOMO in Mons

Graffiti artist MOMO (a play on words on MoMa – the modern art museum in New York) is perhaps best known for his gigantic 13-kilometre long tag which zigzagged its way around Manhattan. MOMO will be...

Alice on the Roof – Live in Mons

Alice on the Roof will be performing at the Alahambra in Mons on the 10th April to promote her debut album which drops in 2015. Her voice is complimented by atmospheric pop and electronic beats. Origi...

Rio – A Brazilian Extravaganza

Rio is a cultural exchange event between Italy and Malta. Under the artistic direction of Lucia Spicuglia, five Italian dance/gymnastic groups will be participating in this dance event. Dances are cho...