
Black Civil Rights Exhibition

Derry/Londonderry, the United Kingdom’s City of Culture 2013, is hosting an exhibition which looks at the early Black Civil Rights movement in Derry and Northern Ireland through a variety of media, ...

Valletta 2018 launches next phase of its journey

The new Valletta 2018 visual representation defines an identity anchored in the uniqueness of the city, hence the tagline Belt Unika. ...

Il-Beltin Kontemporanji

Illum, nies minn oqsma differenti jsejħu lill-Belt ‘id-dar’. Dawn huma l-Beltin il-ġodda, dawk li huma mill-Belt. Il-Belt Valletta malajr saret iċ-ċentru kulturali tal-gżejjer Maltin, b’div...

Ġojjell Arkitettoniku

Il-kavallieri, magħrufa għad-devozzjoni tagħhom lejn il-fidi Kattolika u l-imħabba għall-palazzi, raw li jkun hemm mit-tnejn f’kull belt li bnew. Fil-fatt, waħda mill-ewwel binjiet li nbnew fi...

Il-Kultura Beltija

Mhux diffiċli biex temmen li l-Beltin – ir-residenti tal-Belt Valletta – huma poplu kburi. L-istemma tal-Belt turi ljun fuq sfond aħmar – simbolu xieraq. Ir-residenti tal-Belt għandhom sens q...

A vibrant experience: Donostia San Sebastian 2016

Three days on and the impression of my first ever visit to Donostia San Sebastian in Spain is still strong in my mind with images of divine food and great people. A flawless city adorned with a natura...

Toi Toi Moves: Dance Performances for Children – One Funny Ballet

Get your dancing shoes on, kids! Toi Toi Moves is a collection of six fun dance performances for children of different ages who love to dance. Held at  Teatru Manoel’s Studio Theatre, these si...

Don Ross Live in Malta

Canadian composer and guitar genius Don Ross will be performing at the Teatru Salesjan in Sliema on the 5th November 2014. Considered to be one of the best present-day acoustic style players, his tech...