

Since its inception in 2014, the project has published a collection of migrant narratives and images in the book, Undertow: Poetics of Displacement, published with EDEBooks (Malta), produced diverse w...

Latitude 36

Latitude 36, a project stemming from Charlie Cauchi’s upbringing as a Maltese migrant’s daughter in the United Kingdom, brings real-life stories to the forefront to create “a more honest and ope...

Call for objects: Stories of objects in displacement

Just like us, an object has many lives and tells many stories. Witnesses of a presence or an absence, an object reminds us who we were and who we are, where we are from, who used to love and care for ...

Watch the Valletta 2018 Opening Live


Modern Music Days – Rhythms of Vision

Modern Music Days is committed to promoting the performance and awareness of 20th-century repertoire and contemporary music in Malta. Connecting contemporary music with video art and photography. ‘R...

Name Badge Not Necessary – A Volunteer’s Story

Emily Stewart is one of the many people who form part of Tal-Kultura, Valletta 2018’s ever-growing team of volunteers. At the end of 2016, Emily volunteered to be interviewed for a video promoti...

Call for Applications: Workshop in Digital and Film Photography

RIMA is inviting people from all over the world living in Malta to apply for a series of artistic workshops in digital and film photography. The workshops will provide applicants with the opportunity ...

Field Trip

On invitation of FRAGMENTA, Berlin-based German artists Sonya Schönberger and Christof Zwiener have chosen to investigate and have a critical look at the ferry terminal of Ċirkewwa, which is the onl...