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Valletta 2018 Blog

  • 18 Set 17

    Marseille, the transformation of a city

    Mikael Mohamed, one of the keynote speakers in the Valletta 2018 Fourth International Conference entitled Living Cities, Liveable Spaces: Placemaking and Identity, speaks to us about the transforma...

    by admin
  • 11 Set 17

    What difference does being the European Capital of Culture make to a city?

    Patricia Austin, one of the keynote speakers in the Valletta 2018 Fourth International Conference entitled Living Cities, Liveable Spaces: Placemaking and Identity, speaks to us about the legacy le...

    by admin
  • 03 Set 17

    New participatory urban culture blooms in Helsinki

    Jakko Blomberg, one of the keynote speakers in the Valletta 2018 Fourth International Conference entitled Living Cities, Liveable Spaces: Placemaking and Identity, speaks to us about Helsinki’s...

    by admin
  • 04 Aww 17

    Back to the roots: second course

    Picking up on where we left last time,  Leanne Ellul will present more poems that put poetry about potatoes in a wider context. And what better place to start off than Slyvia Plath’s contemporary, ...

    by admin
  • 12 Diċ 14

    Protagonisti: Ian il-Mużiċist

      Ian Celeste is a lively boy with short brown hair and wide brown eyes, eager to explore his surroundings. He is the also the boy featured in the Valletta 2018 video “Valletta is My Orchestra�...

    by Marc Buhagiar
  • 04 Diċ 14

    Protagonisti: Joe l-Furnar

    Joe l-Furnar’s been making bread ever since he was a young boy. “I was already making bread at the age of 11. When I lived with my grandmother, I used to help the baker who lived across the street...

    by Marc Buhagiar
  • 27 Nov 14

    Protagonisti: Malcolm il-Parrukkier

    Malcolm il-Parrukkier works at the Lancet Salon, one of the oldest barber shops in Valletta. Found at the foot of St John’s Street, it has been run by Malcolm Fenech’s family for 93 years. Before ...

    by Marc Buhagiar
  • 20 Nov 14

    Protagonisti: Salvu s-Sennien

    “Whatever you’re given, you always have to do your best whether it’s a knife, a pair of scissors or even a saw. The most important thing is that you give a 100% to end up with the best result.�...

    by Marc Buhagiar