
Sejħa għall-Koreografi biex ikunu parti mill-Programm Kulturali ta’ Valletta 2018

Valletta 2018 timmira li tagħti opportunità lill-artisti biex joħolqu xogħol ġdid u eċċitanti biex jiġi ppreżentat bħala parti mill-Programm Kulturali tagħha iżda għandha wkoll futur lil ...

Connecting Through Culture

  The Valletta 2018 Foundation is pleased to announce that it is supporting the ‘Connecting Through Culture’ event, which is being organised by the Ta’ Xbiex Local Council. Ta’ Xbiex is t...

Performance and Interdisciplinarity Conference

The School of Performing Arts is once again hosting its annual conference, with this year’s edition focusing on the theme of “Performance and Interdisciplinarity”. This conference will take plac...