
Gail Feigenbaum’s Revenants – VIVA 2015

Associate director of the Getty Research Institute Gail Feigenbaum will be giving a public talk which is part of the VIVA Curatorial School 2015 programme. The lecture, titled Revenants: Degas in New ...

VIVA Curatorial School Programme sets out an Arena for Hot Debates

Guest blogger Charmaine Zammit discusses exhibitions, art selfies and the Curatorial School, just in time for the opening of the second edition of the Curatorial School.  A good amount of issues conc...

L-Iskola Kuratorjali VIVA: niżviluppaw il-kuntest tal-arti viżiva

Bħala parti mit-tieni edizzjoni tal-Festival Internazzjonati tal-Arti Viżiva tal-Belt Valletta (VIVA), il-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018 dalgħodu fetħet it-tieni edizzjoni tal-Iskola Kuratorjali tagħh...

Qatt ma Ninsa

L-għan ta’ dan il-proġett ta’ memorja kollettiva, li ġie organizzat mill-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018 f’kollaborazzjoni ma’ Heritage Malta, hu li l-istejjer mistura tal-familji Maltin u Għawd...

The Art of Ageing

Guest blogger Trevor Borg is back with more information about the upcoming Culture of Ageing project, which is part of VIVA 2015. Find out what Dutch curators, Lennard Dost and Mare van Koningsveld, a...

From Word to Image: Translating Mario Azzopardi’s Ried Ikun Jaf into Film

The written word is a powerful medium as is the moving image, which is precisely why, for the second year in a row, the Valletta 2018 Foundation has teamed up with Inizjamed to collaborate on a poetry...

Kelma Kelma, Nota Nota

The Valletta 2018 Foundation is proudly supporting the Kelma Kelma, Nota Nota event. For tonight’s closing performance of Kieku d-Dinja Kienet Maltija can be enjoyed by anyone, even those who do n...

Bewildered: Plato’s Dream Machine on Bewildered, New Material and Performing in Maltese

Bewildered Festival organiser Shawn James chats with Plato’s Dream Machine’s Robert Farrugia Flores about performing at Bewildered, new band members and new material, and performing in Mal...