
Bewildered: CHIN∆ talk name change, sound change and opening for Big Deal

Bewildered Festival organiser Shawn James meets up with CHIN∆ band member  David Urpani to discuss how the band’s feeling about opening for Big Deal (spoiler alert: they think it’s a b...

Bewildered Festival: Fastidju – Then, Now and the Future

The Bewildered Festival will fill Pjazza Teatru Rjal will alternative rock and indie music next weekend on the 28th – 29th August. The festival is organised by the Valletta 2018 Foundation in collab...

Cliff Zammit Stevens Concert

Cliff Zammit Stevens will once again grace the local stage for his seventh, annual summer concert in which he will perform pieces by Verdi, Puccini, Tchaikovsky, among others. The musical event will b...

The Culture of Ageing: Proġett multidimensjonali bħala parti minn VIVA

Il-proġett multidimensjonali ‘The Culture of Ageing’, li jesplora kif kulturi differenti jħarsu lejn l-anzjanità, se jiftaħ fil-Kavallier ta’ San Ġakbu fil-31 ta’ Awwissu bħala parti mil...

Commedia dell’Arte Intensive Course

Organised by Malta Drama Centre and the Zararti Foundation, this intensive acting course focuses on physical acting and the use of commedia masks. Delivered by commedia master Jaume Villalba Sanchez a...

*etnika Footnotes

*etnika will grace the local stage for the first time in the eight years. *etnika’s Footnotes will be held at the Blue Box Theatre at Msida on the 21st and 22nd August at 9pm. Footnotes will consist...

VIVA: Transforming Valletta into a Visual Arts Hub

Guest blogger, practicing artist and lecturer Trevor Borg talks VIVA 2015 and all it has to offer. Read on to find out more. Preparations for VIVA 2015 are well underway and this years’ installment ...

Complementary programme

The conference will be complemented with a series of cultural and social activities taking place throughout the conference.   Trevor Borg – Spatium Clausum   Trevor Borg is a practici...