
Valletta 2018, MPO iniedu CD ta’ Charles Camilleri irrekordjata mid-ditta Naxos

Il-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018 flimkien mal-Orkestra Filarmonika ta’ Malta nedew l-ewwel CD bi tliet xogħlijiet maġġuri tal-kompożitur Malti Charles Camilleri, irrekordjata mid-ditta internazzjona...

Cultural Mapping Conference

The Cultural Mapping: Debating Spaces and Places Conference, which forms part of the Valletta 2018 Foundation’s series of annual conferences and its cultural programme, is taking place at the Me...

JAPIC: Tokyo Animation Artists in Residence – Call for Applications

Japan Image Council (JAPIC) has opened a call for applications for foreign animation artists to submit for the Animation Artist in Residence in Tokyo 2016. Organized by the Agency for Cultural Affairs...


The conference language shall be English. Sign language interpretation shall be available upon request. Interpretation services to other languages will not be provided.     Wednesday 21st O...

Curatorial School

The Valletta 2018 Foundation, in collaboration with St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity, is organising another edition of the Curatorial School as part of the second edition of the VIVA – Vallet...

EASA Links

The European Architecture Student’s Assembly (EASA) is a network made up of architecture students from all over Europe. EASA joins together 500 design students, graduates and tutors, who discuss tog...

Charlie My True Love u Kliem Ieħor Għal Taħt il-Ħmura

Immanuel Mifsud continues his series of live readings. This time, he’s taking his live reading to Splendid, Strait Street on 7th August at 9pm. For the session Charlie My True Love u Kliem Ieħor G�...

Pjazza f’Pjazza

Pjazza f’Pjazza hija festival li tiċċelebra l-lokalità ta’ Ħaż-Żabbar u l-komunità tagħha. Organizzata mill-Kunsill Lokali ta’ Ħaż-Żabbar, f’kollaborazzjoni mal-Fondazzjoni Valletta...