
Storyworks: Laying the Foundations for a Film Future

Storyworks is dedicated to those willing to develop their screenwriting and film production skills. The project is both innovative and informative, and includes workshops and master classes delivered ...


BLITZ, the only artist-run contemporary art space in Valletta has launched a crowdfunding kickstarter campaign titled ‘MAKE US COUNT’ to develop its space further. If the funding goal is reached, ...

Filfla Findings

FRAGMENTA, a local Maltese artist collective, is hosting ‘Filfla Findings’, a Pop-Up Exhibition that includes works by the three artists. This will be held close to the Għar Lapsi area on the 21s...

Swing and Jazz at the Gut

The Valletta 2018 Foundation is proud to be collaborating with Strada Stretta Events on ‘Swing & Jazz @ The Gut’. This free gig will focus primarily on music from the first half of the 20th ce...

A Night with Chris Zarb and his Shorts (18+)

The Valletta 2018 Foundation is pleased to announce that it is collaborating with Strada Stretta Events on ‘A Night with Chris Zarb and his Shorts’, a film event packed with short films written a...

Brass and Percussion Ensemble at Strada Stretta

The Valletta 2018 Foundation is collaborating with Strada Stretta Events on a series of free upcoming community performances that will be held at Strait Street Valletta. Three concerts featuring th...

Imniedi l-proġett Valletta Design Cluster

Il-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018 ħabbret li ż-żona ta’ wara l-Berġa tal-Baviera fil-Belt Valletta, magħrufa wkoll bħala l-Biċċerija l-Antika, se tingħata nifs ġdid permezz ta’ proġett ta’...

Endings and New Beginnings

Although KantaKantun is officially over, the journey for local musician and composer Alex Vella Gregory is not over. From start to finish, he fills us in on his experience on this exciting and innov...