
World Folklore Festival at the City of Saint-Ghislain

Attention all folk fans! The 30th edition of the Saint-Ghislain’s World Folklore Festival is right round the corner. This festival offers those attending 10 days full of folk music and dance brought...

MUŻA: biex l-arti tintlaħaq minn kulħadd

MUŻA huwa l-isem li ntgħażel għall-mużew il-ġdid tal-arti ta’ Malta u huwa proġett ewlieni għall-Belt Valletta, Kapitali Ewropea tal-Kultura 2018. Il-proġett, immirat lejn il-komunità huwa...

Bridging the Generation Gap: Coming Together

The Chinese Garden of Serenity is generally quiet, with its many bronze statues and ponds contributing to the stillness and peace that generally falls on the garden. Today, however, is Monday and on M...

Il-Marid Immaġinarju

Le malade imaginaire is comédie-ballet originally written by seventeenth century French playwright-actor Molière. Translated into Maltese by George Cassola, this Dù Theatre production will be perf...

Ir-riġenerazzjoni u l-konservazzjoni tas-Suq tal-Belt

Is-Suq tal-Belt kien mibni fis-sittinijiet tas-seklu dsatax taħt it-tmexxija Ingliża. Għalkemm għad fadal ftit negozji li joperaw minn ġo dan is-suq, ħafna minnu ntelaq tul is-snin. Ir-riġenera...

Servizz u ħinijiet ġodda għat-trasport bil-baħar bejn il-Belt Valletta, Tas-Sliema u l-Kottonera

Il-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018, flimkien mal-kumpanija privata Valletta Ferry Services, ħabbret skeda ġdida għal konnessjonijiet aħjar bil-laneċ bejn il-Belt Valletta, Tas-Sliema u t-Tlett Ibliet. ...

Airport Impressions Gig

Airport Impression will be performing at the Beland Music Festival in Zejtun once again. Their set consists of a mix of songs from their two albums ‘Minutes of a lifetime’ and ‘Mariette’. Rece...

Stefan Cassar at Teatru Manoel

To mark the end of this season’s ‘Wednesdays at the Manoel’ series, pianist Stefan Cassar will deliver a stunning performance on Wednesday 27th May at 8pm. Featuring music by Brahms, Beethoven, ...