
Nasba f’Għawdex

Nasba f’Għawdex is a Maltese adaptation of Robert Thomas’ play Trap for a Lonely Man and is set in contemporary Gozo. Nasba f’Għawdex tells the story of John, a man distressed by the u...

Haġa u Taħdita

F’din l-esplorazzjoni tal-ħajja Għawdxija kontemporanja, il-mużiċist Justin Galea u l-ċineasta Mauro D’Amato riedu jevitaw it-temi tas-soltu bħall-bizzilla u l-luzzu. Minflok, iffukaw f...

Toi Toi Passacaglia Baroque Workshops for Children

The Toi Toi Passacaglia is a great way to introduce children to the wonderful world of Baroque with its magical instruments, style and sound. Musical pieces which evoke different moods are deconstruct...

The Complete History of Malta (More or Less)

Self-explanatory, really. The Complete History of Malta (More or Less) is a hilarious family show that compresses 7,000 years of Maltese history in one jam-packed hour. The show is great for children ...

Baroque Festival Ball

The most anticipated event of the Valletta International Baroque Festival is the Baroque Festival Ball, a masked ball which sees festivalgoers dress up in costume or black tie. This year’s ball will...

Winter Sleep – 15+

Winter Sleep, a gripping indie film directed by Nuri Bilge Cevlan, is on at St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity this January. Winter Sleep tells the fascinating story of Aydin, a former actor who ...

Of Sound and Space

The first part of KantaKantun, a three-part education project, comes to an end. Here is what it’s all about. Alexander Vella Gregory writes. Goethe once wrote that ‘Music is fluid architecture; a...

Mons 2015 Liège Festival

Mons, the Belgian European Capital of Culture of 2015, is hosting Liège festival from the 27th January 2015 to the 31st January 2015. The festival includes breathtaking theatrical acts and dance perf...