
JOHN – 18+

St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity will be screening DV8 Physical Theatre’s JOHN on the 4th January 2015 and the 11th January 2015 at 9:00pm. JOHN is a gripping performance that portrays real-l...

‘Flying Sculptures’ Exhibition – ELKA

ELKA, a French-Belgian duo formed by Elodie Laurent and Stéphane Kiszak, are exhibiting their spectacular ‘Flying Sculptures’ at the St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity’s Upper Galleries du...

Kollox lest għaċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet kbar fil-Belt Valletta

Il-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018 flimkien mal-Kunsill Lokali tal-Belt u G7 Events taw l-aħħar dettalji tal-programm taċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet nazzjonali għall-Ewwel tas-Sena fil-Belt Valletta. Waqt konfe...

The Valletta International Piano Festival

The Valletta International Piano Festival is an annual musical event which celebrates classical music of the highest standard in our capital city. This year’s edition shall be taking place on the 1s...

The Twilight Sad Live in Concert

If you’re into alternative music, then you definitely don’t want to miss out on this concert. The Twilight Sad, one of Scotland’s most highly acclaimed alternative bands, are performing live at ...

Toi Toi Children’s Baroque Ball

Carnival may be in February, but that shouldn’t stop children from putting on a costume and having some fun. The Toi Toi Children’s Baroque Ball, which will be held at the Teatru Manoel’s Studio...

Weekend en folie-carnivalesque

Mons, Belgium’s European Capital of Culture 2015, is organising a fashion weekend revolving around the carnival theme as ten young up and coming designers exhibit their creations in a carnival setti...

Projezzjoni ‘3D Architectural Mapping’ fil-Belt Valletta

Il-President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca flimkien maċ-Ċermen tal-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018 Jason Micallef u l-President tal-Bord tal-Gvernaturi tal-MCAST Silvio De Bono, taw l-awguri tagħhom għal M...