
Open Call: Blitz/AIR Wro Residency

Blitz, with the support of the Valletta 2018 Foundation and Artist in Residence Programme AIR Wro (under the auspices of Wroclaw 2016 Office, PL) are jointly announcing an open call for artists, cu...

Signs of Things to Come

The Valletta 2018 Foundation ushered in the Christmas spirit earlier this evening in Valletta by lighting the Christmas street light installation in Republic Street. The lights, made by Italian light ...

Call for Applications: Communications Administration Officer

In 2018, Valletta will hold the title of European Capital of Culture. The ECoC will include all the Maltese Islands, with an aim to spread the impacts throughout the whole Maltese territory. The Valle...

Moira Agius returns from Wrocław Artist Residency

Moira Agius was the artist from Malta chosen for the Artist in Residence Programme Air Wro, a legacy programme of the European Capital of Culture Wrocław 2016. Moira is an emerging multimedia artist....

Open Mic 19

On Thursday 23rd November, from 8pm onwards Inizjamed will be organising its nineteenth Open Mic. We are getting to our last year of adolescence however our wisdom of tooth is still intact. This time ...

Call for Stewards: Valletta residents and people with close ties to Valletta

The Valletta 2018 Foundation is calling for Valletta residents and people with close ties to Valletta to be a part of the Valletta 2018 Official Opening on the 20th of January 2018, which is expected ...

Nightshade: Aubergine

Music is just one of three important ingredients that contribute to this performance’s impact and aftertaste, the other two being the documentary that portrays Claron McFadden’s travels – which ...

Burhan Öçal’s Bosphorus Quartet

Valletta 2018’s music programme is hosting a colourful musical melange delivered by Burhan Öçal’s Bosphorus Quartet. Öçal is a multi-instrumentalist of international repute – a regular guest...