
Gearing up for Dido and Aeneas with Teatru Manoel Youth Opera

Upon entering Teatru Manoel from the Old Mint Street entrance, I was immediately greeted by the sound of harmonious singing coming out of Teatru Manoel’s Studio Theatre, located on the top floor. I ...

Culture of Ageing Lecture Programme

The Culture of Ageing also includes a lecture programme that will run as part of the VIVA Curatorial School. The Culture of Ageing lectures will take place on the 2nd September morning session of the ...

Culture of Ageing Film Screenings

The Culture of Ageing project also includes a film programme that will have screenings on at St James Cavalier on the 2nd, 4th and 5th September. The films programme is as follows: 2nd September ...

The Culture of Ageing Collective Exhibition

The Culture of Ageing Collective Exhibition is a collaborative project between the Valletta 2018 Foundation and Leeuwarden 2018, the two cities that will be hosting the European Capital of Culture for...

VIVA Curatorial School: Forging a Future for Malta’s Visual Arts Scene

Guest blogger Charmaine Zammit will be covering the upcoming Curatorial School, which is an integral part of the VIVA – Valletta International Visual Arts Festival, running from the 31st August ...

Għannejja fil-Belt Valletta

The Valletta 2018 Foundation is collaborating with Stada Stretta Events, under the artistic direction of Dr Giuseppe Schembri Bonaci, on Għannejja fil-Belt Valletta, an event which celebrates Maltese...

Redefining Theatre Communities

The Valletta 2018 Foundation is supporting the ‘Redefining Theatre Communities: Community Perspectives in Contemporary Theatre-making’ conference, which is being organised by the Department o...

Bewildered – Festival ta’ mużika alternattiva fi Pjazza Teatru Rjal

Il-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018 f’kollaborazzjoni ma’ Pjazza Teatru Rjal tippreżenta Bewildered Music Festival, ċelebrazzjoni ta’ mużika alternattiva u indie, fit-28 u d-29 ta’ Awwissu 2015, f...