
Bewildered Music Festival

Il-Bewildered Music Festival hu organizzat mill-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018 f’kollaborazzjoni ma’ Pjazza Teatru Rjal. L-għan tal-Fondazzjoni f’dan ir-rigward hu li dejjem tipprovdi lill-pubbliku ...

Of Sun, Songs and Spaces

Alex Vella Gregory discusses the summer edition of KantaKantun for SkolaSajf. Read on to find out more. Words by Alex Vella Gregory. Maltese summers can be unforgiving. The hot humid air can bring the...

Applikazzjonijiet għall-artisti li jixtiequ jitturjaw fl-2017 issa miftuħin

Artisti, artisti tal-palk, reġisti tal-films u kittieba li qed jaħdmu biex iniedu t-talenti tagħhom barra minn Malta issa jistgħu japplikaw sabiex jidhru fil-Malta Showcase Portfolio 2016, katalgu...

Tokyo Wonder Site – Call for Applicants for Research Residency Programme 2016

Tokyo Wonder Site is inviting international creators to Tokyo to conduct research activities with their own themes. Those selected will be spending 1-2 months at the TWS (Tokyo Wonder Site) Residency ...

Ir-residenti tal-Belt Valletta fiċ-ċentru tal-pjanijiet għall-2018

Iċ-Ċermen tal-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018 Jason Micallef iddiskuta għadd ta’ proġetti għal u flimkien mal-komunità tal-Belt Valletta li se jibdew mis-sena d-dieħla li taħbat l-450 anniversarju...

Mediterranean Fractures Symposium

The Mediterranean Fractures symposium will be taking place on the 5th and 6th November at the University of Malta, Valletta Campus and is being organised by the Mediterranean Institute of the Universi...

European Culture Forum

This year’s European Culture Forum is taking place on the 26-27th November in Flagey, Brussels, Belgium. Every two years, distinguished speakers come together to discuss some of the most cutting-edg...

Translating Poetry into Film: Celebrating Maltese Literature

The Malta Mediterranean Literature Festival is a fantastic event that celebrates Mediterranean literature which will be held from the 27th to the 29th August 2015 at Fort St. Elmo. As was done last ye...