
Caravaggio on the Frontier

Caravaggio on the Frontier is a public lecture that will be presented by Sandro Debono, the senior curator at the National Museum of Fine Arts, on the 14th May at the Oratory, St John’s Co-Cathedral...

Deep Shelter Project – Pam Baldacchino

The aim of the Deep Shelter Project is to create an audio-visual language that can be used in a hospital or clinical setting. Crafted through a 10 month interdisciplinary approach, the language will b...

Għanafest – Folk Music Festival

Folk music has been a key player in the revival and strengthening of many musical styles and genres such as Brahms’ Hungarian Dances and John Barleycorn’s Traffic, to mention but a few. Recently, ...

The Malta Jazz Contest

The third edition of the Malta Jazz Contest is being organised by the Malta Jazz Festival in collaboration with the Valletta 2018 foundation. The contest, which forms part of the Malta Jazz Festival�...

Springtime Rhythms on East Street

Elaine Gatt, a student reading for an MA in English and the Media at the University of Malta, writes about the transformation that East Street undergoes during the warmer months of the year. Read on t...

L-Awditjar tat-Teatri mniedi bħala parti mill-proġett nazzjonali ta’ Mmappjar Kulturali

Ġie mħabbar l-awditjar tal-ispazji teatrali kollha f’Malta u f’Għawdex bħala parti mill-fażi li jmiss tal-proġett ta’ Mmappjar Kulturali ta’ Valletta 2018. Iċ-Ċermen tal-Fondazzjoni Va...

Organisation & Scientific Committee

Prof. Carmel Cassar Carmel Cassar Ph.D (Cantab), M.Phil (Cantab), BA, FRHist.S (Lond), FCCS, is Associate Professor of Cultural History at the Institute for Tourism, Travel and Culture of the Universi...


Located on the periphery of the historical city of Valletta and overlooking the Grand Harbour, the Mediterranean Conference Centre is a 16th Century building formerly known as the ‘Sacra Infermeria�...