
Munich – Shining Metropolis of Art Exhibition

Munich was one of the most prominent artistic centres in late 19th century Europe. Pilsen, the Czech European Capital of Culture for the year 2015, is celebrating Munich’s artistic heritage by exhib...

David Dimitri to Open Pilsen’s Le Cirque Nouveau Season

Pilsen, the Czech Republic’s European Capital of Culture 2015, is all about circuses this year. Apart from opening Cirkulárium, a circus centre in Pilsen where both child and adult circus performer...

Valletta International Baroque Festival 2015

The Valletta International Baroque Festival fills the city with beautiful music that takes you back to the time Valletta was constructed and its streets took life. Boasting an impressive line-up, ...

Jazz on the Fringe

Il-programm varjat, li jagħmel parti mill-Malta Jazz Festival, jinkludi attivitajiet u avvenimenti bħal kunċerti fil-beraħ, master classes, eżibizzjonijiet intimi ta’ mużika jazz u kompetizzjo...


The team behind Belti will explore this cultural issue through a series of workshops, which will be carried out with students and teachers at St. George Preca College – St. Elmo’s Primary Scho...

Recycled Percussion Workshop

It-tielet edizzjoni ta’ dan il-workshop saret fit-30 ta’ Mejju 2015 u ħeġġet lil bosta tfal u individwi oħra mill-pubbliku biex jipparteċipaw f’din is-sessjoni mużikali li tuża strumenti...

Valletta 2018 tniedi fond għall-mobilità tal-artisti

The first in a series of open calls for travel grants being offered from 2015 to 2018 under the Roberto Cimetta Fund is being launched. Artists and cultural operators living and working in the Euro-Ar...

Baroque Piano Transcriptions

Enjoy baroque piano transcriptions of musical greats such as Bach, Siloti, Sgambati, Kempff, Busoni, Joseffy, Liszt, Handel and Gluck performed by the incredibly talented by Ukrainian-born Dmytro Sukh...