
MPO Concert Series – Concert 4

The Malta Philharmonic Orchestra is back to bring you one of the best musical experiences to be had on the island. The fourth concert in the MPO Concert Series features MPO resident conductor Michael ...

Evalwazzjoni u Monitoraġġ

Il-pjan tar-riċerka tal-Evalwazzjoni u l-Monitoraġġ tal-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018 jippermetti lill-Fondazzjoni li tevalwa s-suċċess, jew in-nuqqas tiegħu, tal-proċess b’mod konsistenti, aċċ...

Dialogue in the Med: exploring identity through networks

Dialogue in the Med was the First Annual Valletta 2018 International Conference on Cultural Relations in Europe and the Mediterranean. This conference aimed to address aspects of contemporary cultura...

Jutta Heim

Jutta Heim, the new novel by acclaimed Maltese author Immanuel Mifsud, will be launched at Cettina Cafe, Valletta, on Thursday 30th October at 7pm. Mifsud has previously published a broad range of ...


Il-Fondazzjoni Valletta 2018 ikkollaborat mal-Kunsill Malti għall-Isport biex tinħoloq MOVE Week, li hi parti mill-kampanja Now We Move u li tiġġieled kontra n-nuqqas t’attività u l-obeżità m...

Community Hip Hop

Dan il-proċess ta’ produzzjoni kollaborattiva jfittex li jiskopri, jgħallem u jippromwovi t-talent fost il-komunitajiet emarġinati f’Malta permezz ta’ sessjonijiet ta’ kitba tal-mużika...

Executive Team


Pilsen 2015 OPEN UP! Creative Placemaking Festival

The Aspen Institute in Prague and the Pilsen 2015 European Capital of Culture will be hosting the OPEN UP! Creative Placemaking Festival. The festival will take place on the 6th and 7th November 2014...