
Konferenza ta’ Valletta 2018 tesplora netwerks kulturali fil-Mediterran

The Valletta 2018 Foundation will be hosting the first in a series of annual conferences titled “Dialogue in the Med: exploring identity through networks” on 4th and 5th September at the Universit...

Valletta 2018 Blog


Tibda l-VIVA Curatorial School

The VIVA Curatorial School, organised by the Valletta 2018 Foundation, kicked off on Monday 1st September as part of the week-long Valletta International Visual Arts Festival....

Inawgurat proġett ta’ tisbiħ fil-Valletta Cruise Port

The Valletta 2018 Foundation inaugurated the Valletta Cruise Port tunnel, clad in illustrations by MCAST Art and Design students, following a project that spanned over a number of months....