
Spoken Word Party + DJ Set // Utopian Nights

For one night only we are honoured to welcome on stage an array of talented poets and performers including the Tunisian artist Lilia Ben Romdhane, the Kenyan poet Checkmate Mido who will inspire us wi...

Storytelling Night // Utopian Nights

Join us for a night of stories told in the garden. Come with your friends and kids and sit down around the storytellers to listen to scary fairytales as well as real stories of Maltese travellers. Tha...

Rituals of Destruction // Utopian Nights

Camps are by definition temporary. On Sunday the Utopian Nights party will be over. But how do we end Utopia? Who wants to end Utopia? A surprise performance will provide with the necessary tool kit ...

Open Debate on Borders // Utopian Nights

In these days of globalisation, our world does not exist anymore. Next to speedways and airports, we find high fences and enclaves. The new global nomads travel fast and far on different routes than t...

Film Screenings // Utopian Nights

Films with the theme of Borders will be screened on multiple nights during the Utopian Nights: Inside the Border week from 8:30pm onwards. Thursday 2nd August 2018 (8.30pm): “Spectres are haunting E...

Geography of Lives // Utopian Nights

‘Geography of Lives‘ is a performance and series of photos by Alberto Favaro aiming to confute the idea that national borders are linear limits surrounding nations. Contemporary borders extend...

Fotokabinett Des Imaginaires // Utopian Nights

This photo studio will provide the opportunity for visitors to visualise and share their dreams in a the form of a self-photo portrait. It is a platform for diverse communities to showcase their ideas...

Building Being // Utopian Nights

Today it seems that being is building; that the main reason for economic stability lies in building. In Malta the construction frenzy has become the locus of political conflicts. Building is also demo...